an introduction to borreliosis and coinfections


there are a number of diseases that have emerged in recent decades due to a variety of factors including environmental disruption and overpopulation. the number of resistant species of bacteria is significant, and the diseases they cause are increasingly difficult to treat. though borrelia bacteria have been evident throughout the history of humanity, the severity of global disruption has increased their numbers and infection rates dramatically. regrettably, the majority of healthcare practitioners are either uneducated, hubristic, or fearful of these diseases. 

though often referred to as lyme disease, or worse, lyme’s disease, infections by borrelia bacteria are correctly referred to as borreliosis. before much was understood about the disease, lyme was used to describe a unique complex of symptoms that seemed to emerge in the mid twentieth century in lyme, connecticut. it was the first time that bacteria had been discovered to cause arthritis. as time passed, it was thought that borrelia bacteria were causing many different diseases — arthritis, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, oncological diseases, but it eventually became clear that it was merely one disease. 

borrelia bacteria can elicit a very diverse range of symptoms, which is one of the reasons that physicians uneducated misdiagnose patients as having conditions ranging from multiple sclerosis to dementia. most physicians are not trained to recognise or treat borreliosis. if inappropriately treated, or left untreated entirely, multiple systemic dysfunction occurs, becoming chronic and debilitating. often patients are mistakenly diagnosed with a variety of mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia because physicians either simply cannot believe that a patient has such a diverse range of seemingly unrelated symptoms — often strange symptoms the physician has never encountered, or the nervous system of the patient has so far degraded that the symptom pictures become identical. 

misdiagnosis and iatrogenesis are very common. and mental health conditions are the ‘old reliable’ diagnoses. unfortunately, the general knowledge of most healthcare practitioners is rather limited, and most are inadequately qualified. the necessity of a holistic approach that considers constitution and other factors is not understood, which leads to tremendous suffering that is beyond the intent of the present article, but in the opinion of the author, constitutes malpractice. in truth, if a condition appears to be emotional, the ætiology is likely physical. and, conversely, if it appears to be physical, the ætiology is likely emotional.

borreliosis is caused by a particular phylum of gram negative bacteria called spirochaetota. spirochaetes are ancient, having lived for billions of years, and are integral to the function of the planet. they reside in a variety of habitats, including marine sediments and soils. they reside commensally in the gastrointestinal tracts of arthropoda, crustacea, and squamata. they can be pathogenic or nonpathogenic, parasitic or nonparasitic, and aerobic or anaerobic. borrelia bergdorferi is the spirochaete species most commonly associated with borreliosis. as borrelia bacteria paralyse multiple aspects of the immune system, most ‘coinfections’ are consequence of the borrelia infection, rather than simultaneously occurring coinfections. these consequential infections can be bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic, and include anaplasma, chlamydia, helminths, human alphaherpesvirus, mycoplasma and syphilis. the primary coinfections of borreliosis are members of the phylum pseudomonadota, which include, babesia, bartonella, campylobacter, ehrlichia, helicobacter, salmonella, and others. mould and fungi are always present in borrelia infection. these organisms share segments of deoxyribonucleic acid ( dna ) coded for resistance and virulence.

bacteria have a limited number of genes that typically range from six to fifteen. as borrelia infection rates progressed, it became clear that borrelia bacteria seemed to have a significant number more, which led to an interest in research. in the early twenty first century, researchers collected specimens from the eastern united states, and returned to deutschland to investigate. they discovered that the ‘borrelia like’ organisms that had been collected had more than six hundred genes. this exorbitant number led these researchers to suspect that there had been a genetically engineered organism created in a laboratory introduced to the environment. regardless of whether or not this particular suspicion is true, the fact that humanity is the cause of extreme environmental disruption is unequivocal. as a result, disease is rampant, and healthspan and lifespan are decreasing. 


environmental disruption

there are tens of thousands of toxicants in the environment, and all of them can be found in the body. though the body is highly intelligent, and capable of miraculous healing, the toxic burden has become too great, and it can no longer withstand the pressure. humans and their domesticated companions are so terribly contaminated with these poisonous substances, that pathogenic microbes easily weaken the immune system, and lead to disease and premature death. fluoride, heavy metals, organophosphates, plastics and dangerous microwave frequencies are the primary culprits. 

the synergistic effects of these toxins are worse still. organophosphates, such as glyphosate, chelate minerals causing nutrient deficiency, and eradicate the microbiome. these pesticides facilitate the absorption of heavy metals, particularly aluminium. without the presence of organophosphates, the intestinal epithelium would act as the effective barrier it is meant to be, preventing much of the absorption of toxins. but these pesticides are currently inescapable. even biological, organic foods contain as much as eighty percent of the amount that contaminates conventionally grown foods. 

aluminium, found in the air, food, and water supplies, is the most abundant heavy metal contaminating life. research conducted by internationally renowned physician, psychologist, author, and researcher, dietrich klinghardt, indicated that patients had an average of ninety four times as much aluminium in the bloodstream than any other heavy metal, including mercury. mercury toxicity is a highly destructive heavy metal that is very damaging to the brain and the nervous system. but as it inhibits inflammation, patients often die slowly without many warning signs, and few symptoms until the catastrophic end. this accounts for some of the jarisch herxheimer reaction that occurs when detoxification begins.  

as the body has no effective biological barrier to protect the pulmonary vessels, the lungs are extremely vulnerable. inhalation of vapours and nanonised particles of heavy metals is particularly dangerous. furthermore, mould, mycotoxins, and fungi easily infest these vulnerable organs, further weakening the patient. asthma and other respiratory diseases are very common, and the rate of pulmonary cancer has increased significantly, despite a dramatic decrease in nicotine consumption.

the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation have a major influence on the progression of disease. these microwave frequencies are highly immunosuppressive, and promulgate the replication and increased virulence of pathogenic microbes. research reveals a dramatic increase in the production of mould and mycotoxins exposed to wifi, and virulence has been shown to be increased by six hundred times. these factors very effectively weaken the immune system, thereby facilitating infection by borrelia, allowing the pathogens to flourish. 

heavy metals, mould, and fungi protect pathogenic microbes in the blood vessels. borrelia bacteria inhabit the lining of blood vessels throughout the body. therefore, addressing metal toxicity and decreasing the toxic burden of fluoride, mould, organophosphates, other chemicals, and exposure to electromagnetic radiation removes some of the protective mechanisms utilised by borrelia bacteria, and will thereby greatly reduce their numbers in the body. this will also restore some cognitive function that has been been significantly diminished, evidenced by a population content to scroll mindlessly through such inane things as cosmetic tutorials or the very peculiar ‘unboxing’ videos.

the immune response to borrelia bacteria is even more destructive than the pathogenic microbes, themselves. it is imperative to understand the behaviours of the bacteria in order to understand how to develop an effective protocol, which involves addressing the cytokine cascade, whilst considering constitution and the specific condition of an individual’s immune system. environmental disruptions and trauma are the primary causal factors of epigenetic mutations. these genetic mutations are a determining factor for disease and its severity. trauma caused by abuse, divorce, famine, exposure to neurotoxins, injury, war, etc. causes changes in genetic expression that negatively affect the methylation of deoxyribonucleic acid ( dna ). these genetic mutations are inherited by offspring, affecting generations progressively. 

all of these factors combined with egregious overpopulation are devastating this planet. those astute, understand fully that survival will require leaving this planet behind if drastic change is not imminent. that is a fact so vulgar that it is difficult to contemplate — and the reason that most never do. mundus vult decipi ( the world prefers to be deceived ) because truth is often too complex or too frightening to confront for many. the taste for objective truth is a taste that few acquire. however, facts do not cease to be true because they are ignored or unrecognised, and lessons unlearnt in this life must be learnt in another.


common misconceptions

misconception and misinformation is abundant in medical and scientific education and research, and can be attributed to a variety of factors, including indoctrination, hypercapitalism, unconscious biases, including complacent ignorance, poor quality clinical trial design, flawed execution, and orthodox bias that causes psychological or emotional motivation, and conscious biases, including data manipulation motivated by financial or political gain. indeed, marcia angell, the former editor in chief of the new england medical journal, admitted that ‘bias is rampant in drug trials.’ she further stated that, ‘trials can be rigged in a dozen ways, and it happens all the time. the most dramatic form of bias is complete suppression of negative results.’ the majority of the public remain unaware of these inaccuracies, inadequacies, and injustices.

since evidence regarding borreliosis emerged, scientific studies have been utilised to promulgate a biased perspective. in the early days of its discovery, pioneer physicians including joseph burrascano and charles ray jones were treating patients with some significant success. however, copious research articles in an attempt to excoriate their efforts were published. that research is conducted, published, and peer reviewed is not inherent validation of its integrity. it is essential to understand the nuances of research in order to discern between fact and fiction. often research techniques do not fulfill the criteria necessary to exclude bias and precondition, which gravely jeopardises the authenticity of the results. much published research has resulted in a great deal of controversy and misconceptions that inhibit the understanding of borreliosis, and therefore appropriate treatment. 

borrelia bacteria are still primarily considered by conventional medicine to be transmitted solely by ixodida ( ticks ). however, there are many modes of transmission. borrelia spirochaetes are present in a variety of arthropoda, including fleas, flies, lice, mosquitoes, mites and spiders — essentially any biting or stinging arachnida or insecta can be infected, and crustacea and squamata, including lizards and snakes. use of the phrase, ‘tick borne illness’ is highly deceptive. in fact, transmission occurs far more frequently by fleas and mosquitoes. 

direct animal to animal transmission is also very common. borrelia bacteria and many of its coinfections are transmitted to the fetus in utero, and spirochaetes are also present in animal saliva, semen and vaginal secretions, so entire families are often infected with identical genotypes. as borrelia spirochaetes immediately colonise the urinary bladder of anyone infected, these bacteria pass live through the urine — a mechanism of survival and transmission. furthermore, borrelia bacteria and many of its coinfections are airborne. it warrants repeating that the phrase ‘tick borne illness’ is highly deceptive.

the widely accepted rate of transmission is another common misconception. though a transmission time of 48 hours is often stated by an uneducated medical community, and quoted by a complacent public, transmission can occur within minutes. there are a number of factors that determine the rate of transmission, which include the species, subspecies, and strain of the spirochaetes inhabiting the vector, the vector species, the location of spirochaetes within the vector, the state of digestion occurring in the vector, the coinfections present in the vector, and the immune health of the animal host. borrelia spirochaetes remain viable for months or even years, and have been shown in multiple studies to survive freezing and thawing, still fully capable of infecting an organism. because of urination by wildlife and domesticated animals, these spirochaetes continually cover the plants and soils, and can be transmitted by foraging, recreation, or any contact with the earth’s surface.

another concern is geographic limitation. borrelia bacteria are still widely considered to be geographically limited. however, these pathogens reside worldwide. they are endemic throughout europe and north america, asia, south america, africa, australia, new zealand, and both the arctic and antarctic regions. this information is easily accessible in honourably published, peer reviewed journals. this information was not acknowledged for many decades, which meant that any patient request for assessment outside of the regions considered to be within geographical boundaries were often dismissed. many patients were misdiagnosed and inappropriately treated, often with devastating consequences. still today, the majority of healthcare practitioners, including naturopathic practitioners, tell patients that they cannot possibly have borrelia infection unless residing or having travelled to particular regions. 

there is tremendous misunderstanding regarding symptoms of borreliosis and its coinfections. the truth is that most individuals are carriers of the bacteria, some symptomatic and others not. an asymptomatic picture may or may not be disaster in waiting. symptoms and severity vary greatly, with epigenetics and history of trauma having a primary role. many asymptomatic individuals maintain a low level of infection in the body, until some form of significant stressor or trauma occurs at a later point in life that triggers an activation of the immune response. such stressors include exposure to neurotoxins and traumatic life experiences. as genetics determines an individual’s ability to cope with stress and trauma, that ability varies to a great degree. today, there is no one safe from neurotoxin exposure, and stress is unavoidable. accumulative stress allows the infection to overcome the immune system, rendering it less efficient at containing the infection. trauma also provokes retroviral activity, dramatically increasing complications.

the early symptoms of infection most often resemble influenza. as the infection spreads, the symptoms begin to appear primarily in the joints, skin, and neurological system. though the appearance of erythema migrans, commonly referred to as a bull’s eye rash, is the most obvious definitive indication of infection, the majority of cases do not exhibit this symptom. the rash only occurs upon a secondary infection, id est, another bite or sting in an already infected individual. borrelia bacteria also invade any previously injured or impaired tissue. chronic neck pain, fibromyalgia, thyroid dysfunction, temporomandibular joint disorder, sciatica, etc., may all be borrelia infection. 

the diverse range of symptoms and the ineptitude of physicians generates a great deal of fear. however, it is not difficult to understand that it is the degradation of collagen and the immune response that are at the root of every symptom caused by borreliosis. borrelia bacteria have an affinity for collagenous tissue. symptoms occur at the feeding sites, in particular the joints, the heart, and the brain and nervous system. nerves are protected by a collagenous layer called myelin sheaths. these protective, insulating layers are destroyed once borrelia bacteria colonise. the nerves then begin to produce aberrations in neurological function, and neurogenic switching occurs. protecting the collagen structures of the body is a critical component of both prevention and treatment. 

an inflated faith in the effectiveness of pharmaceutical antibiotics is another concern. though pharmaceutical antibiotics may have a role in certain scenarios — often a very important one, the statistics are grossly exaggerated. many studies claim rates of effectiveness of seventy to ninety five percent. but not included in these studies are the relapse rates and the number of individuals who do not respond to pharmaceutical antibiotics at all. also ignored are the disastrous consequences of the use of these pharmaceuticals. life axiomatically has an instinct for self preservation, and bacteria are no different. upon attack, they develop defence mechanisms, making them exceedingly difficult to treat. these pharmaceuticals eradicate the microbiome, leading to nutrient deficiency and gastrointestinal dysfunction, further complicating the disease. ultimately, the approach of allopathic medicine results in a battle that is likely to be lost by the patient. the world’s leading medical experts treating borreliosis have an understanding that pharmaceutical antibiotics are not salubrious in the majority of cases.

minimum inhibitory concentration ( mic ) value should be considered in the treatment of any disease including borreliosis and coinfections. a remedy has a low mic value if it destroys a large percentage of microbes in low concentrations, and a remedy has a high mic value if it destroys a small percentage of microbes in high concentrations. pharmaceutical antibiotics have a low mic value for all microbes, meaning they do not selectively destroy pathogenic bacteria, but rather broad groups of diverse bacteria. effective treatment consists of utilising compounds that have a low mic value for pathogenic microbes, but a high mic value for bacteria that constitute a healthy microbiome.

the overuse of these drugs and the ecological disruption caused by an increasing human population density are the primary impetuses of the emergence of very potent and very resistant bacteria. the planet has been inundated with hundreds of millions of tonnes of non biodegradable pharmaceutical substances created to eradicate bacteria, which has catapulted unparalleled biological and evolutionary changes. due to the importance of bacteria to the ecological functioning of the planet, these organisms had no choice but to evolve resistance. otherwise, all life would be eradicated by pharmaceutical antibiotics. overcoming hubris by accepting the limitations of pharmaceutical antibiotics is critical. 

the use of insecticides and repellants contributes to both disease and environmental disruption. multiple studies have demonstrated the many dangers associated with such chemicals. the belief that oral and topical medications for domesticated companion species are effective or safe is deeply concerning. well intentioned — albeit uninquisitive guardians — who have a tendency to simply believe what they are told by those considered to be authorities — are unwittingly poisoning their companions — and themselves and other family members — with these extremely dangerous chemical compounds. these toxicants are hazardous and entirely unnecessary. they do not repel fleas and ticks. but they do cause endocrine and gastrointestinal dysfunction, and devastating neurological effects, including seizures and paralysis. thousands of canines and felines die as a direct result of exposure to these medications. botanical remedies are not only the safest, but the most effective mode of prevention.

the most common and widely available diagnostic testing for borreliosis remains ineffective. elisa and western blot tests measure antibodies in the blood. but the production of antibodies is greatly compromised in borrelia infected patients, which renders it senseless to depend upon these tests for accurate diagnosis. if a patient were treated with an appropriate and effective protocol, and recovered enough to resume adequate production of antibodies, only then could an accurate positive result be obtained. and as pharmaceutical antibiotics inhibit detection of spirochaetes, these tests are not effective if a protocol consisting of them is used. approximately seventy percent of cases are left undetected in the early stage of infection, and patients are only retested after their health significantly deteriorates. a negative result obtained by these tests cannot prove the absence of infection. definitive diagnosis is achieved with a sequence that includes assessment of the autonomic nervous system and biochemical parameters obtained from a more sophisticated laboratory.

though acupuncture is a beautiful therapy capable of treating a variety of conditions, there is one major caveat. acupuncturists spend a great deal of time learning hundreds of acupuncture points, but what they fail to understand is that those points are only accurate in a sufficiently healthy organism that adequately emits coherent light. once a certain level of dysfunction is reached, these points migrate. it is imperative to understand biophysics in order to provide effective acupuncture treatments.



borreliosis and its coinfections are complicated and complex, and treatment is highly nuanced. but it is possible to heal from these infectious diseases. this requires a holistic and multidimensional approach that includes accurate diagnosis, regulation of physiology and biochemistry, modulation of the immune system, detoxification, and a protocol consisting of appropriate botanical therapies. eventually, borreliosis can resemble any known disease, and often mimics and exacerbates any existing physical, psychological or psychiatric condition. the severity of symptoms correlates with the toxic burden, the overall summation of coexisting conditions, and with the genetically determined ability to excrete neurotoxins. metabolic dysfunction, particularly in methylation, acetylation, and sulfation pathways, is another correlation. other factors, such as diet, food allergies, physical, emotional, psychological, and ancestral trauma, interference fields such as scarring and tattoos, and structural concerns with the vertebral column and dental occlusion are also very important.

antiquated paradigms learnt in medical school severely impact the successful treatment of these diseases — and medicine as a whole. these beliefs reside deeply within the psyche of the vast majority of practitioners, including naturopathic physicians. hypercapitalism has left no thing untouched. unfortunately, practitioners remain so indoctrinated by paradigms that they are guided by theory rather than by observation. but the flaws have been long evident to the discerning. for the others, change can be very difficult. physicians are human too, and in no way immune to cognitive dissonance. it can be extremely uncomfortable to realise that beliefs long held may not be true. but it is imperative to overcome this challenge. those willing to exercise humility, will begin to see greater success in practice, and truly help patients to heal.

borrelia bacteria have inhabited this planet far longer than mammals. they are not an enemy. it is humanity that is the enemy. the environment is so severely altered that imbalance is nearly irreversible. when the planet’s microbiome is weakened, more highly evolved species are weakened, allowing pathogens to proliferate. these lesser evolved species have proliferated to such a degree that life is endangered, and is leading to extinction. borreliosis is a warning. if drastic changes are not made, the next mass extinction is inevitable. 



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* transcription of citations in progress


calcification of the pineal gland : coincidence or orchestration ?

there is a common condition occurring in one of the most important organs of the body — calcification of the pineal gland. the pineal gland is the most sensitive and vulnerable part of the brain, and the central nervous system as a whole. it is the gland associated with आज्ञा चक्र ( ājñā cakra ), commonly referred to as the third eye in reference to its provision of psychic perception beyond ordinary sight. the pineal gland serves many functions, including the translation of thought, and the regulation of the endocrine and immune systems. it is the receiver of higher intelligence, subtle energy, and connection to divinity.

rudolph steiner, the austrian philosopher and mystic, predicted that there would be an agenda to detach the soul and disconnect one from the higher realms of dimension. and to accomplish this, the pineal gland need be destroyed. the pineal gland is extremely sensitive, as it receives a high amount of blood flow, second only to the kidneys. it is known to be particularly sensitive to several things : fluoride, organophosphates, metals, plastics, and electromagnetic fields of radiation. many governments are employing great use of all of these things.

the inimical effects of fluoride have been well understood for decades. this neurotoxin has led to the dramatic decrease in average intelligence, been a contributing factor to autism spectrum disorders and many varieties of cancer, and led to the deaths of both adults and children due to acute toxicity. any purported beneficial effects of fluoridated water on teeth is absurd, as the effects are topical, not systemic. and published research demonstrates that both countries fluoridating and not fluoridating water have equivalent rates of tooth decay.

the promotion of its use in dentistry, the sales of fluoridated dentifrice, and the fluoridation of municipal water supplies continue, still. fluoride, like other halides, competes for the uptake of iodine, a necessary component for euthyroidism. it accumulates in regions highest in calcium, typically bones, and in cases of arthritis and atherosclerosis, joints and arteries. the epidemic levels of thyroid dysfunction and osteopathic diseases are directly attributed to this toxin. but the highest concentrations of fluoride are stored in a calcified pineal gland.

glyphosate, the globally ubiquitous organophosphate, was originally patented as a chelating agent for the removal of industrial metals. it is the primary herbicide utilised throughout the industrial farming industry because it works so exceptionally well. because it is such a potent chelator, it causes nutrient deficiency, as it chelates all minerals, not only those that are toxic metals. it is both the use of toxic herbicides and pesticides, and the industrial farming method of overworking soils without any regard for replenishment that have led to a population sick with mineral deficiency, which includes all animal life.

stephanie seneff, premier senior research scientist at massachusetts institute of technology, has dedicated her work to the pernicious effects of glyphosate, stating that its mechanism of toxicity is diabolical. despite the claims by industry funded researchers to the contrary, glyphosate is not easily eliminated from the body. rather it is largely undetectable as it becomes part of the tissues of any organism that consumes the chemical. it was monsanto, the company that manufactured the product, that conducted the research in 1989 that concluded that glyphosate incorporates itself into the protein structures of an organism.

exposure to this toxic chemical is a contributing factor to cognitive decline, endocrine dysfunction, oncological diseases, and is a primary cause of autism spectrum disorders. glyphosate severely disrupts the microbiome of the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation and intestinal permeability. pathogenic species of bacteria proliferate, leading to the accumulation of toxic metabolites that disrupt the metabolism of dopamine, causing neuroexcitotoxicity. glyphosate suppresses enzymes, proteins that have a pivotal role in detoxification and cellular metabolism, which leads to a variety of pathologies, one of which is deficiency of vitamin d. this deficiency is an epidemic, and is another causal factor in autism spectrum disorders.

metal toxicity is one of the most devastating threats to humanity. aluminium is the most abundant metal on the planet, which equates to composing approximately eight percent of the earth’s crust. however, the gold standard of testing circulating metals in the body reveals results that are incommensurate. the level of aluminium detected in the average body is astonishing. this is attributed to a number of factors, which include its presence in the food supply, its use in the storage of beverages and foods, and its addition to antiperspirants, cookware, dyes, and various pharmaceutical drugs. aluminium is also deployed throughout the sky.

by the twentieth century, widespread efforts to combat a changing climate had been initiated. aircraft began to spray nanonised particles of aluminium, in an attempt to reflect sunlight, in hopes of cooling warming temperatures. these nanonised particles return, covering the entire surface of the planet. they contaminate soils, contributing to the toxicity of the food supply, and the oceans and waterways, prohibiting the evaporation of water, leading to drought. they are inhaled by all breathing organisms, and revealed in significant quantities in the lungs of all animals. nanonised particles of aluminium support the proliferation of pathogenic microbes, further disrupting the microbiomes that have already been destroyed by the misuse of antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs. this establishes chronic infections that are not conducive to life.

another metal of significance is mercury. in addition to the devastating impacts of increased volcanic activity and wildfires, and the burning of coals, oils, and woods as fuel that releases mercury vapours into the atmosphere, the continued use of metals in amalgam fillings and dental implants is deeply concerning. the hazards of mercury are well understood, and have been for more than a century. the american society of dental surgeons declared that the use of amalgam fillings was malpractice in the the first half of the nineteenth century. nevertheless, its use persisted. brilliant doctors of dental surgery, including hal huggins and murray vimy, pioneered the war in the twentieth century. and today, such brilliant physicians are censored, ostracised, punished by revocation of licensure, or worse for exposure of the truth.

indeed, the environmental protection agency declared anything higher than one microgram of mercury in the air is a toxic site. mercury vapour metres have detected more than two hundred micrograms in the mouths of patients with amalgam fillings or dental implants. and the levels in the blood exceed multiple thousands. that dental associations continue to permit the use of this substance is outrageous.

in addition to the toxic metals being leached directly into the bloodstream, another concern is galvanic shock. galvanic shock describes the interactions between a combination of dissimilar metals and the electrolytes circulating the saliva and bloodstream. anytime multiple metals are exposed to a solution of sodium, the electrons travel between them, generating electrical current — amalgams and implants are composed of multiple metals. this electrical current enters the jawbone, the nerves, and the brain in perpetuity, dramatically increasing the amount of stress on the body. and upon any exposure to alternating currents and other artificial electromagnetic radiation, these metal ions vibrate with increased intensity. a single seven minute phone call liberates more than six hundred times the ambient amount of mercury from an amalgam filling. galvanic shock is causing severe anxiety, migraines, and sleep disturbances, and ultimately contributing to overall decline. 

metal toxicity is nearly inescapable. exposure begins in utero, as a mother passes two thirds of the body burden to the first born child — and there is no blood brain barrier until an average age of eighteen months. this is particularly damaging to male first born children, as there is a synergistic enhancement when metals combine with testosterone, evidenced by the striking prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in males. toxic metals pollute the waters and soils, the food supply, and are used in a variety of substances, including the aforementioned pharmaceutical substances. cosmetics, dyes, and tattoo inks are other significant concerns, as they contain cadmium, iron, and mercury, in addition to dozens of other toxic contaminants. it has long been researched, published, and understood that when a host is polluted with metals, parasitic and other infections soon follow. 

to optimise the impacts, the united states ensures that even those in poverty have full access to obesity, as the excess adipose tissue serves as additional storage capacity for these metals and toxicants, significantly increasing the risks. indeed, it is metals and other toxins that are responsible for the difficulties many experience attempting to lose weight. patients with metabolic syndromes such as insulin resistance — a condition that completely inhibits the loss of weight, id est, it is impossible to burn fat when insulin resistant — shall lose the weight upon addressing toxicity.

the consequences of exposure to toxic metals are systemic, and manifest every internal medicine disorder known, including autoimmune disorders, endocrine dysfunction, and neurological conditions. it is understood that toxic metals are a primary cause of autism spectrum disorders, and published research demonstrates that among populations protected from exposure, cases are non existent. metal toxicity alters the levels of neurotransmitters, and thereby contributes to significant behavioural changes. these behavioural changes ensure that an abundant population shall be diagnosed with a variety of mental health conditions that conveniently require treatment with pharmaceutical drugs. and the most unfortunate of these individuals often find themselves indigent or in prisons — other tragically flawed systems that contribute to further decline.

the insistence upon utilising plastics in everything from paints and textiles to cosmetics and food has ensured that nanoparticles of these toxicants can be found everywhere on the planet. indeed, even food. the hydrogenated oils that are found in the list of ingredients of the majority of products that stock the shelves of conventional markets differ from plastic by only one molecule. and upon ingestion, metabolic processes eliminate that difference. like metal toxicity, exposure to microplastics alters the levels of neurotransmitters, contributing to the same behavioural changes that lead to incorrect diagnoses of mental health conditions. the true diagnosis is toxicity induced by temerarious human activity.

artificial electromagnetic fields of radiation are the most concealed of threats, and the factor that allows the full realisation of the destruction of the pineal gland. there are no enzymatic pathways in the body that are not disrupted by these microwaves. consequently, toxicants accumulate at a far greater rate as they are not being metabolised and eliminated. these microwaves cause inflammatory reactions in the brain that activate retroviruses, disturb the quality of memory and sleep, and create tremendous cellular damage that leads to autism spectrum disorders, cancers, and persistent borreliosis and coinfections. the impacts are severe and disturbing.

despite the enormity of the range of frequencies that could have been utilised, the telecommunications industry selected the frequency that is the most severely destructive to cells, and especially to the pineal gland — 2.4 gigahertz. this particular frequency is capable of diminishing the blood brain barrier, allowing the destruction of deoxyribonucleic acid ( dna ), and the penetration of toxicants that were previously unable to access the brain. prior to the use of this frequency, many toxins were generally contained below the brain. since its deployment, deaths caused by neurodegenerative diseases have increased dramatically, and are surpassing those of cardiovascular diseases and cancers.

each of these things are highly toxic in isolation. but the synergistic effects of the combinations are far more sinister. upon inhalation of aluminium, the particles combine with other toxins to form many other extremely toxic chemical compounds. and in addition to the hazards of the mere presence of plastics, the particles act as carriers for other chemical contaminants and any pathogenic microorganisms. it is necessary to penetrate the blood brain barrier for these compounds to deposit in the pineal gland. and as mentioned, 2.4 gigahertz was the ideal frequency to accomplish this.

the approval of fifth generation technology, or 5g, to be installed on satellites that allow the frequencies to radiate the entire planet is minacious. this has devastating effects on all flora and fauna, which have been well observed in mammals, birds, amphibians, fish, reptiles, insects, plants, and microbes. the disruption of vital cues associated with behaviour, orientation, migratory patterns, scavenging, reproduction, nest and den construction, territorial maintenance and defence, and survival has been extensively researched and published in medical and scientific journals. the loss of wildlife is immeasurable.

both the health span and life expectancy of both humans and domesticated companion species are decreasing in the twenty first century. despite decades of research and advancements in medicine, and the safety afforded by modern housing and other resources, the rates of disease and death have increased substantially, when one could only expect the opposite. the science indicates the hazards associated with these toxicants, and the destruction that follows is empirical. the intentional use of fluoride, organophosphates, toxic metals, plastics, and dangerous frequencies of electromagnetic radiation could be abrogated immediately. and the ignominious failure to implement change is indicative of stupidity or agenda.

these toxicants are gravely jeopardising the evolution of humanity. a calcified pineal gland inhibits the psychic perception that is available to all. according to आयुर्वेद ( āyurveda ), humanity presently exists in कलियुग ( kaliyuga ). kaliyuga is the age of darkness, when everything is upside down, and in reverse. many cultures and religions describe a similar age. it is a time of war, conflict, and great discord. information is skewed, truth is difficult to discern, and what was once easily observed and experienced, is no longer thus for the masses.

research conducted by the esteemed professor yoshiaki omura revealed that upon shielding the pineal gland with aluminium, a dowsing rod was no longer capable of detecting the field, kinesiology was no longer capable of eliciting response, and intuitives were no longer able to perceive psychic information. these experiments elucidated the tremendous shielding capacity of this particular metal.

as easily observed as these things are, the average individual remains blind as the calcification of the pineal gland inhibits their sight. regardless of one’s awareness, all of humanity is affected, including — albeit perhaps unknowingly — many who claim to be highly connected, possessing the gift of psychism. personal consciousness is the sum of the microbes that inhabit the body. unless taking the appropriate actions to eliminate and mitigate exposure, and to change the destructive nature of hypercapitalistic society, one is certain to perish of disease, likely without any knowledge at the conscious level, and make minimal spiritual progress in the current incarnation.

there are measures to be taken to remove the accumulation of toxins, reverse the damage, and decalcify the pineal gland. it requires truly holistic healing that addresses physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual health, including the appropriate biological chemical compounds and biophysics. by creating an inhospitable environment for infection, it is possible to cure any disease. appropriately conducted detoxification can normalise endocrine function, eliminate cancers, and even yield complete normalisation of hallmark symptoms of autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia.

one must learn to protect this delicate and precious gland, and truly wake to reality. in closing, this one shall pose a few questions for consideration. is it merely a coincidence that the choices of a multitude of ignorant minds have collided to concoct this fatal combination ? is it a protocol that has been orchestrated by sophisticated minds ? or is it possible that scientists and politicians have been influenced by a dark energy without any conscious understanding of what it is they truly do ?





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healing with sound

संस्कृतम् ( saṃskṛtam ) is the most ancient of spoken languages currently known to humanity. the ancient scholar पाणिनि ( pāṇini ) heavily influenced the foundation for classical saṃskṛtam. his work included nearly four thousand verses and rules regarding linguistics, semantics, and syntax. the language is so specific that it has been compared to languages of computer programming. indeed, it was the same scholars who codified saṃskṛtam who also invented the concept of zero and binary code. it is this accuracy that plays a significant role in its perfection.

many notice after learning the language an enhanced memory and cognitive ability. referred to as the ‘sanskrt effect’, this phenomenon has been investigated by comparing structural magnetic resonance imaging ( mri ) of the brains of पण्डित ( paṇḍita ) — traditional scholars who memorise and recite मन्त्रम् ( mntraḥ ) — and control groups matched for age, gender, and multilingualism. indeed, numerous regions of the brains of paṇḍita were discovered to be significantly larger than those of the controls. most notable, was the increase in grey matter of the right hippocampus, a region responsible for verbal memory. it seems an increase in grey matter of this particular region of the brain will decrease opportunity for memory pathology, such as dementia. these modern experiments give credence to what आयुर्वेदिक ( āyurveḍikāḥhave stated for centuries.

the sacred vibrations of saṃskṛtam are believed to have originated in the cosmos, and its phonetic sounds are designed to produce healing of body, mind, and spirit. sounds create vibrations that affect the energy points throughout a body. these vibrations may have a calming or energising effect, depending upon the specific qualities of the sound. consider the emotional and psychological effects of music. whether spoken or heard, each sound creates a vibration at different points of the spiritual and corporeal bodies. for example, ॐ, or ओम् aum ), considered to be the primordial sound from which all others emanate, is composed of three syllables. the first is experienced in स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र ( svādhiṣṭhāna cakra ) and the lower region of the abdomen, the second is experienced in अनाहत चक्र ( anāhata cakra ) and the region of the heart, and the third is experienced in विशुद्ध चक्र  ( viśuddha cakra ) and the region of the throat.

most languages impact one by meaning. however, classical saṃskṛtam is unique because of its immense complexity and its creation based upon vibrations — it was created to heal. that is not to say that the vibrations of other languages are any less important. though not intentionally designed to heal, other languages produce sound, all the same. sounds are vibrations that are either positive or negative. any spoken word is creating resonance or dissonance. both pronunciation and cadence are important, and phonetics are precise. mispronunciation, or arrhythmic cadence creates vibrations that are antithetical to healing. the difference is that meaning is secondary to vibration in saṃskṛtam.

chanting influences psychology and physiology. merely listening shall produce the benefits. chants utilise breath and concentration, which increase alpha waves in the brain and regulate the autonomic nervous system, to promote relaxation. these effects increase exponentially, over time. here lay a powerful tool to enhance healing, and thereby progress the soul’s evolution.


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Travis F, Olson T, Egenes T, Gupta HK. Physiological patterns during practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique compared with patterns while reading Sanskrit and a modern language. Int J Neurosci. 2001 Jul;109(1-2):71-80. doi: 10.3109/00207450108986526. PMID: 11699342.